The US Department of Energy (USDOE) issued a draft Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) this week, intended to support activities related to the design and licensing of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), defined as reactors with an electric output of 300MWe or less; which can be manufactured remotely, transported to point of construction, with on-site assembly largely limited to system integration of components for operation.
Importantly, the USDOE is interested in designs with passive safety (e.g., against consequences of a nuclear accident) as well as inherent safety (e.g., against natural catastrophes such as earthquakes, windstorms or floods), in addition to designs with long inter-refueling periods, low capital cost outlays, low maintenance and operating costs, and high proliferation resistance. The stated intention is to support up to 2 reactor designs through the USNRC design and licensing process, with the ability to be deployed ‘expeditiously’ being an important merit criterion. 2022, a decade from now, is the target year for commercial operation.Proponents may choose to pursue licensing from the USNRC under either 10 CFR 50 or 10 CFR 52. Stakeholders are encouraged to form consortia, and proponents are encouraged to form design-centered working groups (DCWGs) across the supply and value chains e.g., SMR manufacturers, power utilities, local bodies; and the activities funded by USDOE are required to draw at least 50% of their total resources required, from internal sources. The total amount of funding available from USDOE is estimated to be $452 M, subject to Congressional appropriations. The current draft FOA will be issued in final form after feedback from, and consultation with, stakeholders.