#IMF Blog on #China Savings: first, it's not just Households alone, [although (Household Savings)/GDP, top curve in figure below, differs most from the global average]; Corporate and Government savings are high too... (reference Country Report cr17248) pic.twitter.com/58VhZ0cOJk— Satyen Baindur (@Satyen_Baindur) February 27, 2018
#IMF Blog #China Savings: high savings resulted in both Internal and External imbalances - which have rotated - as (Current Account/GDP) surplus; external imbalance has fallen, the internal imbalance (high) Investment/GDP has risen, though since 2014 beginning to fall... pic.twitter.com/NwT6sioULb— Satyen Baindur (@Satyen_Baindur) February 27, 2018
#IMF #China: #OverlappingGenerations model w income & interest rates constant able 2 explain ~half the increased Savings 4m #Demographics alone i.e. #OneChild #ageingpopulation #PrecautionarySaving, ↓ #SocialSafetyNet; & w inc & int dynamics can explain all post-2000 increase. pic.twitter.com/iMlu8iIjoc— Satyen Baindur (@Satyen_Baindur) February 27, 2018