.@bershidsky Leonid Bershidsky, a Bloomberg columnist, argues that the problem with surveys of Artificial Intelligence (AI) adoption in companies is twofold: 1) The lack of agreement on a definition of AI itself; 2) Executives feel unbearable peer-pressure to say they are using it! But even among companies who actually adopted AI, https://t.co/RpBiN7MHwC few applications are being developed to be unambiguously labour-saving. The much-vaunted cost savings from AI deployment may then not arise. Given the extraordinary peer-pressure executives now feel to deploy AI (or at least not to admit that they are not deploying it!) the likelihood now is that the very attempt to deploy AI might itself becomes a recurring cost, thus weakening the business rationale for AI! So the somewhat cynical wisdom would be 'Wait till the dust settles to get on board'.
— Satyen Baindur (@Satyen_Baindur) March 10, 2019