.@JBirkinshaw @JNManktelow et al writing in the MIT Sloan School of Management Journal, @mitsmr
of a survey of managers with a view to uncovering how Age impacts management styles via biological, generational,
seniority-& experience-related effects. Such effects are often intertwined in their
expression, even when a clear separation on a conceptual basis is possible. Their paper report on the survey - of 10,000 managers, with ages in the range 21-70, and they discuss the nuances of their results. Overall, they contrast the external and internal (to the firm) focus as evident in their attitudes, actions and survey responses. They find that older
managers focus more on Core Competencies of the firms and Client
relationships as part of their external focus; but their focus within the firm is on building coalitions, developing empathy and on effectively
delegating functions. While by contrast, younger managers focus more on learning about or developing entirely new Business Models & on their company's Competitive Positioning externally; and on finding a good Mentor within the company or developing training programs as part of their internal focus.