Apropos #IMF Working Paper 17/250, which argues 4 a #NewParadigm for the #BusinessCycle, where crises can permanently reduce output (both level and growth rate), here's US #RGDP growth rates 4 each #NBER !#BusinessCycle since 1948 [from the 2018 Economic Report of the President] pic.twitter.com/CdGGQ7npv5— Satyen Baindur (@Satyen_Baindur) March 23, 2018
US Goods and Services Trade Balance by Country (major trading partners) - the US has a Services trade *Surplus* with all, including #China, with the largest being with the #EU), but the goods trade deficit with #China dwarfs everything else.... pic.twitter.com/xELYV8eoXX— Satyen Baindur (@Satyen_Baindur) March 23, 2018
New study shows that all types of recessions, including those arising from external shocks, lead to permanent losses in output and welfare. https://t.co/dYdl03J1DS #IMFBlog pic.twitter.com/lNydqYLU1u— IMF (@IMFNews) March 24, 2018