How do #GreenhouseGas #Emissions respond 2 ∆s in #RGDP? #IMF Working Paper 1856 looks @ #TopTwenty emitting countries, separates #Trend & #Cyclical components w a #HodrickPrescottFilter; finds *on average*, GHG emissions go up by 0.4X ∆RGDP (i.e. #TrendElasticity = 0.4)— Satyen Baindur (@Satyen_Baindur) March 15, 2018
Among #AEs in #Top20, avg #TrendElasticity =0; & 4 some AEs, GHGs *decrease* as RGDP↑ eg #UK #DE, esp recent years. In USA post-2005, GHGs _decrease_ w RGDP, #China GHGs ↑ slower than RGDP (though faster in post-2000 period), #India GHGs grow ~ as its RGDP via @LounganiPrakash— Satyen Baindur (@Satyen_Baindur) March 15, 2018
Just to clarify - the #GHG/#RGDP #TrendElasticity for #China is < 1 both pre- and post-2000, but just a bit higher post-2000 (the dashed GHG curve bends toward the #RGDP line at year ~2000 in the picture above...)— Satyen Baindur (@Satyen_Baindur) March 15, 2018