#Geopolitical Risk (Iran); #Political #Macroeconomic Risk (Venezuela) combine with strong demand and decreased supply to increase oil prices, which creates #Inflation risk, which might end up raising interest rates (in US and elsewhere)...thus possibly resulting in lower #Growth! https://t.co/dMtPAA5Pqu— Satyen Baindur (@Satyen_Baindur) May 8, 2018
.@CroftHelima @RBC “There was this view that we were post-geopolitics” as a result of an oversupplied market, said Helima Croft, head of commodity strategy at @RBC. “Now we’re really seeing the reckoning for that.” @WSJecon: 14% ↑ oil prices last mth cd be entirely #GeoPolitical— Satyen Baindur (@Satyen_Baindur) May 8, 2018