.@mihirssharma: With oil prices rising, #India faces a ↑ #CurrentAccount deficit ≲— Satyen Baindur (@Satyen_Baindur) May 5, 2018
2.9% GDP, a depreciating ₹, a tightening monetary stance in part 2 stem domestic inflation; thus perhaps even a slowing economy in 2018-19... (But) 'import dependence... https://t.co/h0vp0muVDW
... need not be a chronic disease. There is a cure: Exports'! (India's exports have fallen to their lowest level as %GDP since ~2003! Any fall in the ₹ should be seen as the boost it can actually be for exports... via @EconomistDK @bsindia @bopinion— Satyen Baindur (@Satyen_Baindur) May 5, 2018